@article{oai:kaisei.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000133, author = {惣谷, 美智子 and Soya, Michiko}, journal = {神戸海星女子学院大学研究紀要, Kobe Kaisei review}, month = {Mar}, note = {Charlotte Brontë has Lucy Snowe, the narrator and protagonist of Villette, remark that an original and good picture is just as scarce as an original and good book. Where, then, is the "originality" in Villette itself? Duality and anticlimax seem to comprise the "originality" of Charlotte Brontë's methodology. The purpose of this paper is to explore some aspects of duality and anticlimax in Villette. To begin with, I would like to examine the anticlimax produced surreptitiously by Lucy Snowe's astute awareness. Secondly, I will consider the anticlimax in Charlotte's "New" gothic, as compared to the traditional or "Old" gothic style, such as in seen in Mathew G, Lewis and Ann Radcliffe. Lastly, our attention will be focused on the anticlimax rooted in the problematic ending of Villette., 8, KJ00007692919}, pages = {47--53}, title = {Reading Villette-On Charlotte Bronte's Duality-(1)}, volume = {50}, year = {2012} }